
Hair Colors For Fall

Fall is a time for warm colors and cozy clothes. And as the leaves begin to change color, it may be time to start thinking about changing your hair color too. Your platinum blonde hair may not be the perfect color choice as we move into the colder months. We can help you with all of your hair coloring needs, giving you the best look that works with the change of the season. In case you are unsure of which colors work best for fall and winter, we will go over some of the best choices in this blog! Read on to learn more about the perfect hair colors for fall! Follow these tips to update your personal style or completely change your look!

The darker the better

Fall and winter are the perfect time to darken up your hair. Whether you want to add darker lowlights to your current color or completely swap out your old look for a new and bold style, the darker look is better for these cold months. If you still want to stick with some blonde try the trend that was super popular and always a great look, the ombré style. Even just darkening your blonde hair to a golden blonde can add a touch of fall fashion to your style. If your hair is naturally dark, but you generally add some highlight for additional style, consider getting caramel highlights. These will add a lightness to your hair but also keep it dark and beautiful for the fall.

Grow it out

If your hair is blonde and you want to keep it that way then let it grow out and don’t worry so much about the roots. Dark roots are a great way to add a touch of darkened hair to your look and it is the perfect style for fall. While you may think it is not a good look, it is actually a style now. You can actually get your hair colored with your roots remaining dark, for an easy all over color that doesn’t require the annoying touchups.

Add some color

This is a great time to go bold with a unique and festive color. Color your hair a deep red, copper, auburn, or other fun fall colors. These colors are not as dramatic as the fantasy hair we saw this summer, but they are still fun and can completely change up your look. Or, go against everything we just said and color your hair silver or white for the perfect winter queen look. This color may wash you out even more, but it could be fun and create a unique look that is completely you! Fall and winter hair colors are generally darker and richer, but that doesn’t mean you can’t rock just about color you want, all you need is the confidence to do so!
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